Simple Startup Blog

See the financial issues being discussed in our most recent blog posts.

If you run a technology products company, you and your management team likely find yourselves making constant decisions. Some are strategic: Should we expand into a new geographic market that offers good growth potential? Others are operationally focused: Should we consider switching distributors or other partners to reduce expenses, and how will that impact…
The past few years have challenged businesses on every front and in particular, consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Company leaders have faced challenges like changing consumer habits, supply chain issues, and increased operating expenses. These shifts are requiring CPG companies to rethink operating models, enhance commercial capabilities, and find new opportunities for growth. To…
As your business evolves, so does your need for financial information and insights. Early on, it’s probably enough to have a competent, reliable bookkeeper for tasks like accounts receivables and payables. Once your business takes off, you’ll need experienced accounting professionals to handle an expanding array and volume of transactions and tasks. But at…
I have written previously about avoiding a bad hire. In that article, I focused on the processes around recruiting and the importance of complete and utter clarity around the expectations of a role. Today, I’d like to take a step back and look at recruitment from a different perspective. One that starts well before…