Success Stories

We’re a team of CFOs and CPAs passionate about amplifying your success, because scaling your company is our goal too. Read stories from our clients who we work with every day and hear how we’ve helped them achieve their goals.

Coaching Space
This is the story of Simple Startup helping one client to build an accounting foundation, to revolutionize their business model and to find relief from their high growth company blues. Those High Growth Company Blues Imagine you’re a high growth, consumer goods company that’s preparing to change the world, but you’re weighed down by…
Shaking hands at a table
Simple Startup joined Joe in his mission to simplify his finances, so he could have confidence in his numbers, make informed business decisions, and pitch to investors like a pro! Who Has Time For Non-Revenue Generating Tasks? In the early days of his startup, Joe Christensen, Founder of MCTco, said his major priority was generating…
Apple Devices on table
In reaching out to Simple Startup, Ash opened up his schedule to focus on strategy and unwittingly gained a true business partner that would provide strategic recommendations to make way for more informed business decisions for years to come. Diving Into The Water of Entrepreneurship Starting a business isn’t for the faint of heart,…