Simple Startup Blog

See the financial issues being discussed in our most recent blog posts.

How do you judge whether your business is on track? For some, it’s all about the year-over-year increase in turnover. For others it’s about the bottom line. Profit. In essence, is success the amount you’re selling, or the amount you’re earning? The answer is that there isn’t one right answer. Different companies at different…
Every business today is challenged to meet unprecedented customer demand at a time when supply chains are constrained like never before. It takes a strategic approach to ensure your goods reach consumers quickly and efficiently. And with a McKinsey & Company report noting that execution is now the strongest driver of profitable growth for…
In my last article, I posed four difficult questions that every business owner or CEO needs to ask themselves. They are: Who appraises you? Who challenges you? Who guides you? Who replaces you? As you will have noticed, the first three have significant overlaps. The fourth sits apart. So, I will attack the first…
I have written previously about avoiding a bad hire. In that article, I focused on the processes around recruiting and the importance of complete and utter clarity around the expectations of a role. Today, I’d like to take a step back and look at recruitment from a different perspective. One that starts well before…